Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Been a while..Updates, ect.

My daily morning ritual consist of; checking my email, reading BBC news, checking clan forums and doing the circus run. So, this morning, while reading the clan forums, a clan mate posted a link to his Sword of the New World blog, thus, somewhat giving me a push to write here. This is my first post of the new year, and hopefully not the last. I'll try to update at least once a week.

Colony Resets, Removal of OoPS/Karj/Andre Boxes and Master(s)

Maintenance tonight will bring the addition of the new Karj/Andre Boxes IV,the removal of OoPS and Karj/Andre III boxes as well as resetting the colonies. Hopefully there will be more to tell when the Patch Note is released.

Also, I managed to master my Romina a little over a week a go. Working on my next two characters, Andre and BSmith Idge. Andre, if all goes well, will be Master by tonight and Idge, later this week. I am hoping to have the first Master Andre on the server. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, cool to see that sotnw is not failing anymore LOL. How ya doing?




Well, the sales have come and gone. All 500 packages appear to have been sold. All 250 packages being sold on the first day were sold out in...